Although neither the first, nor the largest in terms of billings or staff, Carl Crow Inc undoubtedly was the most famous advertising agency of old Shanghai – thanks to its founder, American ad-man, author and adventurer Mr. Carl Crow. his company never employed more than 20 people - three times fewer than the Chinese Commercial Advertising Agency (C.C.A.A.) and six times fewer than its British competitor Millington Ltd. - but it was well known for its family-like company culture and secondly...
Shen Bao, formerly transliterated as Shun Pao or Shen-pao (Chinese: 申報), known in English as Shanghai News, was a newspaper published from 30 April 1872 to 27 May 1949 in Shanghai, China. The influence of the newspaper in early 20th century Shanghai was so great that Shen Bao zhi, literally "Shen-pao paper", became a generic term for newspaper or newsprint.