30. June 2020
Buick is one of the oldest automobile brands in the world and the oldest in the United States. The first two Buick automobiles were made in 1899 and 1900 at the "Buick Auto-Vim and Power Company" by founder David Dunbar Buick and chief-engineer Walter Marr. Subsequently in 1904 William C. Durant was brought in as controlling investor. Durant built a few more model B's in 1904, and greatly stepped up production for the model C in 1905, then spent the next four years turning Buick into the...
17. January 2020
Gail Borden invented the process to create condensed milk in 1853. Nestlé licenced the product and in 1874 "EAGLE Sweetened Condensed Milk by assignment of the Borden company", was the first brand ever to be trademarked and sold in China by Nestlé. A Nestlé sales office was later opened in Shanghai in 1908.
08. November 2019
The Royal Baking Powder Company was one of the largest producers of baking powder in the US. It was started by brothers Joseph Christoffel and Cornelius Nevius Hoagland in 1866. The brothers noticed that the baking powder they were making did not bring in much revenue and suffered from competition because the product was easy and cheap to produce. They therefore decided to name their powder the Royal Baking Powder, and to sink a huge sum into an advertising campaign. Soon the company was...