Posts tagged with "newspaper"
05. July 2024
Behold an original 1930s Philips light bulb from our collection. If you look closely, you’ll however notice a strange ad behind it: A hint at the largest global business conspiracy you have never heard of and that found its end by what eventually unfolded in China.
30. October 2023
Halloween Special! Here's how foreign brands and local businesses advertised for the celebration in Shanghai in October 1938. Clippings from an original North-China Daily News paper in the MOFBA collection.
07. August 2023
Although cocoa was introduced to Europe sometime in the 16th century it was not until the Industrial Revolution that new processes emerged which sped the production of chocolate and with that the development of an affordable mass market product. In 1824, John Cadbury, began selling tea, coffee and drinking chocolate in Bull Street in Birmingham, England. In 1847, John became a partner with his brother Benjamin and the company became known as "Cadbury Brothers”. The new firm began exporting...
22. November 2021
Kissy kissy... newspaper ad for Three Cats cigarettes. The brand created by Yuen Hwa Tobacco was a knock-off of British premium cigarette brand Craven "A" who's design looked identical, except that it only featured a single black cat on the logo. Because of that it was commonly referred to by Chinese consumers as "black cat brand" cigarettes. More on Craven "A" in our previous post.
17. September 2021
"We wish to serve Good Clients and want Good Clients to help us "
10. April 2021
Shen Bao, formerly transliterated as Shun Pao or Shen-pao (Chinese: 申報), known in English as Shanghai News, was a newspaper published from 30 April 1872 to 27 May 1949 in Shanghai, China. The influence of the newspaper in early 20th century Shanghai was so great that Shen Bao zhi, literally "Shen-pao paper", became a generic term for newspaper or newsprint.
08. March 2021
The January 1935 edition of Fortuna Magazine featured a special on the "Shanghai Boom". All pages digitized below